Our services

The Categorical Six Stage process is trusted by founders and investors across EMEA

What is Category Design?

We believe new Categories start to grow in the minds of leaders – leaders who want to be different.

Categories come from market and technical insights. Categories transcend the self-limiting concept of magic quadrants and other technology analyst-imposed positioning.

Categories exemplify ‘different’ not ‘better’ in products and services.

Liberating Categories, nurturing them and market testing their resilience requires critical and creative strategic thinking based on deep Category experience and expertise.


Our chance to get under the skin of your business. Structured interviews of the extended project team. Core insights into market misalignment, unmet buyer needs and technical advances extracted and prioritized.

Point of View

Crafting a difference. Discovery insights critiqued and iterated. Restated and honed to become a compelling Category-ready Point-of-View (PoV) narrative.

Persona Development

Defining the influencers and decision makers that will drive Category growth, helping make you a Category leader.

Ecosystem Building

How does your new Category go to market? A Category is defined by its ecosystem and the partner and end-user organisations that engage. We describe, identify and attract the key players for Category expansion.

Strike Planning

With a game-changing Category designed, it’s time to go public and hit the market hard. Our cross-discipline Strike experience helps your team plan exactly how and when to bring your Category to life. We are tactic-agnostic, so we can recommend actions across campaigns, events and trendjacks to leave nothing about your Strike campaign to chance.

Strike Execution

Great plans are judged by their execution. We work alongside your internal teams and external consultants guiding, or, where needed, leading, the creation of core assets and events that support Category and sub-Category growth management.

Discover how Category design transforms tech companies' futures

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